Monday, October 1, 2018

Low Water on Danube

Still having river water level issues:

(10/1/18) Conditions along the Danube river remain relatively unchanged, with Europe’s hot, dry summer continuing to cause low water levels in some areas. The situation has improved somewhat with recent rains, although the river is still far below its normal level. These low water levels have the potential to impact our upcoming Danube cruises. Conditions along the river are subject to change with short notice, and to varying degrees, select itineraries may be affected through the coming weeks. Itinerary alterations could be minimal, or more material including additional motor coach travel or other tour adjustments.
Please know that, in conjunction with our European office and our wide network of trusted partners, we are continuously and carefully monitoring conditions along the Danube. Should there be a major itinerary change, we will inform impacted guests as soon as those changes are known and confirmed. All Tauck cruises on Europe’s other rivers are operating normally.

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